Whites siding is the location of a sand drying operation that dried sand with a large rotating drum and a propane burner. I remember this operation as a child in the 1970's. I was unsure and sure what they were doing at that time. In later years I discovered that they were drying sand for many applications including for the Delaware and Hudson railroad for use in their locomotives as traction sand.

D&H local SC-4 is heading north from Saratoga Springs yard to the International Paper mill in Corinth, a long string of empty 50 ft. boxcars can be seen on the rear of the train, these are for loads of rolls of paper. To the right and spotted on Whites siding is D&H covered 35424, the snow reveling the tracks of a frontend loader used to push the hoppers in place.
(Photographer Unknown.)

(John Sesonske photo)

White's Feed Store - Later White's Sand: This was 2 miles south of Corinth along 9N.
1929 (Deed) The land was purchased by Arthur White.
8/22/29 (AR) The Corinth Coal Co. had a new sidetrack agreement. [either here or at Corinth]
12/14/29 (AR) Arthur White & Son had a sidetrack agreement.
2/12/31 (VM8) 374' siding added at 770+86.4 for White's Feed Store. The building measures about 18'x100'.
1932 (Deed) Arthur White sold the land to the Sterling Coal Co.
1932 (AR) The Corinth Coal Co. was purchased by Arthur White who changed the company name to Sterling Coal. They had a siding agreement for the year. A fire was reported for Sterling Coal causing $5,000 damage.
1953 (Deed) Sterling Coal Co. sold the land to Cecil White.
1958 (VM8) Sidetrack extended south 396' from old end. [This was probably when they added the sand loading facility as this was located south of the original building.]
1965 (VM8) The switch at the north end was moved 400' north.
1978 (Deed) Cecil White sold the land to David White.
2008 (P) The siding is still in place but overgrown with trees.
(Jon Patton source)